It is our pleasure to welcome you to St. Mary School. We are happy to have you as part of our school family. At St. Mary's, you will find a loving staff who provide a positive, safe and caring environment for your children.
Our school is more than just a place of learning; it’s a community where students, parents, and staff work together to create a positive and inclusive school where all students can learn, grow and be their best selves.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Let’s work together to foster a sense of belonging, inspire curiosity, and ignite a passion for learning. I look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements and growth throughout the year.
Parents, you are an integral part of our community. Your involvement in school events, student-led conferences, and volunteering enriches our students’ experiences. We invite you to join our School Council and collaborate with us to create a nurturing environment for all.
When students actively engage with their peers, teachers, and families, they not only learn academic content but also develop essential life skills grounded in faith.
Emilie Wolfe - Principal
1352- 110th Street
North Battleford, SK
S9A 2J1
(306) 445-5152 (Phone)
(306) 446-0129 (Fax)
[email protected] (Email)
Student Use of Personal Mobile Devices
Please see attached a letter from our principal regarding the use of personal mobile devices in the school....
September Newsletter and Calendar
Welcome back to another school year. Please find the school calendar and newsletter for the month of September.
We are excited to announce our soccer season is soon to start. Games will take place from 4-5pm at the following location. Please watch your child's backpack for permission letters for students who showed interest in playing (Grades 4-7). Sept 17 - ...
We hope you can join us this Wednesay, September 18th from 4:30 - 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity to hear about the school and its program, tour the school, play some games and meet the staff. Hot dogs will be provided with drinks, chips and ...
Due to the rain we will be hosting our meet the staff night tonight inside the school instead of on the playground. We will start the evening off in the gym at 4:30pm. We hope to see you there.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! September 25 - 27th our grade 5/6 class will be selling canteen items to raise funds for our sports teams. All items will be $1 and distributed to students during last recess. Ordering will take place each morning with classroom ...
Just a friendly reminder our first early dismissal is happening this week!
Orange Shirt Day - September 27th
Truth and Reconciliation Day reminds us that there are many victims of residential schools whose names we will never know, and stories that will never be told. Orange Shirt Day is an act of remembrance for those people. It's also a chance to honour ...
Friendly Reminder: October lunch cards are now due. If you would like your child to continue to participate in our lunch program the monthly fee of $15/student is due by October 1st. This payment can be made in the office with cash or debit. Online ...
October Newsletter and Calendar
Welcome to the month of October. Please find attached the school newsletter and calendar...
Please check your child's backpack for their public health varnish and flouride consent forms that were sent home. If you need another copy please let the office or your child's teacher know. This program is only open to students in Pre-Kindergarten, ...
Please find attached the link for the school newsletter and calendar for the month of November.
Reminder: We are a nut aware school, meaning that we are a school in which we encourage everyone to be aware of allergies and take the appropriate precautions. We ask our families NOT to send nuts or peanut butter as we have students with severe ...
Our November Student-Led Conferences are next week:Monday, Nov. 18 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please bring your child with you during one of the above dates/times so they can share with you what they have ...
May December bring you countless blessings and endless joy. Please find attached our school newsletter and calendar.
Please consider purchasing a Christmas Raffle ticket to support learning outside the classroom. We have a variety of items courtesy of individuals and businesses in the community. Eg. Scentsy warmer, Milkbanke's basket, Bluey Toy, Scentsy Buddy, La ...
Dreambrokers is hosting a Muay Thai class in January for students in grades 5-7. This class is free and will be offered every Monday starting January 13th from 3:30 - 4:20pm. If you child is interested in signing up please contact the office or check ...
On Tuesday, December 17th, we will be hosting our Christmas Concert and invite all parents/caregivers to attend. The performance will begin at 6:30pm sharp in the gym with our prek class. All students will wait in their classrooms before and after ...
On behalf of the staff and students of St. Marys we would like to thank everyone involved with our Christmas Raffle. Through the generosity of our donators and the support of our ticket purchasers we were able to raise $855 towards learning outside ...
Today, December 20th is our last day of classes before Christmas holidays. Reminder school is dismissed at 2:30 p.m.! Buses will be running.
Dreambrokers are excited to offer Muay Thai classes to St. Mary' students in grades 5-7. If you are interested in signing up your child for this free 6 week class that takes place afterschool on Mondays, please contact the office or your child's ...
It's Back!! Our Winter Garage Sale
Saturday, February 15th from 9am - 3pm, St. Mary School will be hosting a winter garage sale. For $20/table people can rent a table and sell their homemade or garage sale items. We also welcome home based business to rent a table to share their ...
St. Mary’s School “Raise the Dough Night”
This is an easy way for you to participate in a School fundraiser from the comfort of your own home! “Raise the Dough Night for St. Mary’s School” is sponsored by Domino’s. All you have to do is order the “Raise the Dough Special” from Dominos ...
Garbageless Picnic January 24th from 11:45 - 12:15 Pack your lunch and join your children for a picnic. All classroom garbage will be weighed to see which class recycles and produces the least amount of garbage. Reminder: to use your containers and ...
Our division 2 #smlearners in Miss Morin, Mrs. Loeppky and Miss Schulkowsky's classes are excited to attend the Decker Centre performance of Where Have All the Buffalo Gone on Tuesday, January 28th. Students will be travelling by bus to and from the ...
The week of January 26th been declared Family Literacy Week and what better way to celebrate then with some school spirit days and planned activities. This years theme "Learn to be Green, Together" will focus on using less electricity, reusing items ...
To wrap up literacy week we will be hosting a movie for our #smlearners at school during the afternoon on Thursday, January 30th. Our SRC will be selling popcorn for $2/bag. Thank you in advance for supporting their fundraising efforts.
February adventures are calling. Attached please find the school newsletter and calendar.
Our Muay Thai class scheduled for today, February 10th has been cancelled due to instructor illness. Our next class will take place on the 24th.
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